by Jared Guichard, MD

At What Age Should You Begin Botox?

December 3, 2021 | Injectables & Fillers

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  • At What Age Should You Begin Botox?

The age you should begin Botox injections is individual. Since neuromodulators like Botox and Xeomin are often used to prevent the development of wrinkles as much as they are used to assuage the appearance of wrinkles—does beginning injections at a certain age give you a leg up in the anti-aging process? Is there an age at which dermatologists recommend not undergoing injections? These are pressing questions.

Though everyone is different and you’ll need to consult personally with your medical provider to determine the best long-term course of treatment for your unique goals, we’re here to provide you with a general overview of the accepted wisdom available on this topic. We hope by the end of this article you’ll have a better understanding of what age you should begin Botox, (depending upon your personal preferences), how Botox can be used, as well as what to avoid during the course of your treatment. If you’re interested in exploring this topic with us, read on!

Opinions About Botox Have Changed!

Times have changed. A decade ago, dermatologists were fielding Botox requests from women in their late thirties and early forties. Now, in addition to the rise in popularity of Botox among men, the age range of women looking to undergo Botox treatments has shifted downwards. It’s not uncommon for women about to turn thirty to schedule their first injection session in an effort to prevent the wrinkles they associate with growing older. Since 2010, the amount of Botox injections among those aged twenty to twenty-nine rose by 28%, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. While it’s still uncommon for those in their early twenties to covet Botox injections, twenty-five seems to be at the lowest age most modern dermatologists encounter. (Though, it is important to note, Botox is FDA approved for cosmetic use for those over the age of eighteen.) Is this shift towards receiving Botox injections younger a good thing?

Well, it depends. Everyone is different. Genetic and lifestyle factors play into how quickly we age. While some may notice fine lines deepening around the age of thirty-five or forty, others may not experience the same until the age of forty-five. Many dermatologists recommend waiting until you notice your dynamic wrinkles are beginning to stick around even after your face has entered a state of rest, but for many this feels too late. That’s why the topic of the age you should begin Botox and the phrase “preventative Botox” has become such hot topic in recent years. When Botox is begun at a younger age, before the development of deep set wrinkles, the substance can prevent the skin from repeatedly folding—thus slowing the wrinkle-formation process. There are also preventive skincare daily habits which can contribute to the longevity of youthful skin. With a protective skincare routine, a healthy lifestyle, and the conservative use of Botox from a younger age, individuals can significantly decrease their risk of developing deep set lines and wrinkles.

How do you determine when to start Botox?

If your goal is prevention, presumably you should opt to undergo Botox before it becomes necessary. For example, if the eleven lines between the eyebrows—also known as glabellar lines—run in your family, you can begin injections here before these lines become static. You can even ask your parent if they can remember when these wrinkles became permanent fixtures on their face, as this might help you develop a timeline. Although starting Botox injections in your twenties may seem pointless, you can rest assured it’s not. Excessive facial movement is proven to be a huge factor in the premature development of wrinkles, while Botox is proven to be an effective preventative measure against the development of wrinkles. So, if you're wondering what age you should begin Botox, it’s a no-brainer, really. Botox, when applied to a young person’s face, should be done sparingly and with precision. These injections might even be termed “Baby Botox,” as their purpose is minimal. The long-term benefits starting with small doses of Botox at a young age are two-fold. First, you prevent the formation of wrinkles down the line. Second, you lessen the amount of Botox needed when you’re older. If you have a highly expressive face, a genetic predisposition towards early aging, or sun damage, you may consider beginning a Botox treatment plan before the age of thirty.

botox forehead before and after

botox forehead before and after

Are there any risks associated with starting Botox young?

Yes, there are risks associated with starting Botox too young. As with any good thing, too much is a bad thing. Muscles tend to atrophy when they haven’t been used for prolonged periods of time. This atrophication causes muscles to become smaller and weaker. For this reason, Botox is often injected into jaw muscles enlarged by constant clenching. When the muscle is not being used, it shrinks, lending the recipient a narrower face. The muscles in the face respond to Botox in a similar manner, after several years of consecutive treatment. Rarely, the skin over top of these muscles will grow thinner. Finally, the face might recruit different muscle groups to perform certain facial movements, leading to wrinkles elsewhere in the face. For these reasons, it’s important to seek treatment from a reputable medical professional with plenty of experience. If you are starting Botox in your mid- to late-twenties, your medical provider should have a plan for how to keep these muscles from atrophying too quickly. Likewise, a skilled injector will be slight, relaxing muscles only in those targeted areas which will prevent wrinkles down the line. Lastly, it’s important for you to take good care of your skin, wear sunscreen, and do everything else we recommend in our Daily Facial Care article.

Another aspect of starting Botox young—which could not be considered a risk, but rather a certainty—Is the associated cost. Botox lasts between three to six months, meaning if you begin an injection routine at the age of 26, you’ll have undergone ninety-six Botox treatment sessions by the age of 50 (assuming you only go twice per year). As we mentioned earlier, starting Botox younger cuts down on the amount you need in your later years. Since Botox is sold by unit, this may end up balancing out in the end. However, you should be prepared for the costs associated with treatment. Discontinuing Botox after a certain age will not mean the sudden emergence of those wrinkles you successfully avoided for so long. Rather, your skin will begin to develop wrinkles at the same pace you always would have had you not undergone treatment. This means you can stop at any time.

Is there an age when it’s too late for Botox?

Absolutely not! Individuals in their sixties and seventies will experience the same muscle relaxing effect from botulinum toxin. The only difference is older individuals usually have wrinkles which are much more deeply cut into the skin. Therefore, Botox may be only one tier of their treatment plan. Injections of dermal fillers might be used to add volume to the face and fill gaps underneath the skin, while Botox is used to soften the appearance of static wrinkles. You are never too old for Botox. Therefore, your main concern should be finding the best practitioner to deliver the results you want!

Whether you’re debating the benefits of “Baby Botox” in your mid-twenties or considering your first Botox treatment session in your early sixties, JAG Medical Spa is here to help you chart a course forward! We take the time to listen attentively to each and every one of our patients’ desires. If you’re interested in the preventive or corrective benefits of Botox, don’t hesitate to reach out to us! We’re here to answer any questions you may have.

About the author, Jared Guichard, MD

Dr. Jared Guichard is owner and medical director of JAG Medical Spa. With over 10 years’ experience in anti-aging medicine, he is committed to providing clients with the best in Aesthetics care and Anti-Aging treatments. He has a passion for all areas of medicine and continues to practice as a medical doctor in local hospitals in the Charleston area.

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